
Welcome to Guangxi Nanning Junwei Feed Co.,Ltd. website!
Tel: +86-771-5610784

The Pioneer in Precise Absorption of Microelement

- A World-class Production Base of Microelement Additives -


Feed grade magnesium oxide

1. the main physical and chemical functions of magnesium in animals

Magnesium participates in many life activities in animals, such as cell respiration and the transfer of high-energy phosphate bonds. Magnesium is a cofactor for many enzymatic reactions, and these enzymes play a role in the metabolism of sugar, fat and protein.


2. the effects of magnesium deficiency on animals

Among animals, cattle and sheep are the most sensitive to magnesium deficiency, followed by pigs. For example, when cattle and sheep eat forages or regenerated young grasses that are applied with a large amount of potassium fertilizer, they are prone to magnesium deficiency causing hypomagnesemia or grass twitching.

The daily ration of Pigs and poultry are generally rich in magnesium, which can meet the needs of animals.


3. packaging specifications

25kg/piece or packed according to customer requirements.

Contact us
Tel: +86-771-5616003
No. 1 Sales Department: +86-771-5611937
No. 2 Sales Department (Export): +86-771-5610784
Fax: +86-771-5611927
E-mail: yiweifeed@aliyun.com yiyiweiwei@tom.com
Address: Weisi Rd,Liujing Industry Dist.,Nanning, Guangxi,China
Copyright(C)2021, Guangxi Nanning Junwei Feed Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
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