
Welcome to Guangxi Nanning Junwei Feed Co.,Ltd. website!
Tel: +86-771-5610784

The Pioneer in Precise Absorption of Microelement

- A World-class Production Base of Microelement Additives -


Potassium Iodide

Description of Mixed feed additives Potassium Iodide

1.Product Functions and Features

Potassium iodide are the supplements of iodine for animal nutrition. Iodine plays a decisive role in thermoregulation, intermediate metabolism regulation, reproduction, growth and development, blood circulation and muscle function.

The product and carrier are mixed evenly, and the water content of the carrier is low, so that the product is stable and no caking.


2. Introduction

1-1. Mixed feed additives Potassium Iodide.

1-2. Application: Additive of Microelement iodide in feed.

1-3.Usage & dosage:The recommended  amount in the compound feed(calculated by iodide mg/kg) 0.14mg for pigs,0.1-1.0mg for poultry,0.25-0.8mg for cattle, .1-2.0mg for sheep ,0.6-1.2mg for Aquatic .



1-1Light Yellow or Light Grey Powder


4.Product quality standard



 I 1%

 I 5%




Moisture %


Pass 450μm test sieve%


Total arsenic content (counted by As)%


Lead content (counted by Pb)%


Cadmium content (counted by Cd)%





6.Storage conditions, methods and precautions:

1-1. stored in cool and dry places, and used up as soon as possible once unpacked.


7.Manufacturer:Guangxi Nanning Yiwei Feed Science and Technology CO., Ltd.

Contact us
Tel: +86-771-5616003
No. 1 Sales Department: +86-771-5611937
No. 2 Sales Department (Export): +86-771-5610784
Fax: +86-771-5611927
E-mail: yiweifeed@aliyun.com yiyiweiwei@tom.com
Address: Weisi Rd,Liujing Industry Dist.,Nanning, Guangxi,China
Copyright(C)2021, Guangxi Nanning Junwei Feed Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
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