
Welcome to Guangxi Nanning Junwei Feed Co.,Ltd. website!
Tel: +86-771-5610784

The Pioneer in Precise Absorption of Microelement

- A World-class Production Base of Microelement Additives -


Molasses Zinc

Product Information:

The product is composed of sugarcane molasses and zinc sulfate. It has good palatability, meets the demand of livestock and poultry for zinc, regulates appetite, promotes growth, and has high feed reward. It can effectively enhance the deposition of zinc in eggs, improve the quality of eggshell, and increase the egg laying rate, fertilization rate and hatching rate of egg-laying poultry and breeding poultry.

Contact us
Tel: +86-771-5616003
No. 1 Sales Department: +86-771-5611937
No. 2 Sales Department (Export): +86-771-5610784
Fax: +86-771-5611927
E-mail: yiweifeed@aliyun.com yiyiweiwei@tom.com
Address: Weisi Rd,Liujing Industry Dist.,Nanning, Guangxi,China
Copyright(C)2021, Guangxi Nanning Junwei Feed Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
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