
Welcome to Guangxi Nanning Junwei Feed Co.,Ltd. website!
Tel: +86-771-5610784

The Pioneer in Precise Absorption of Microelement

- A World-class Production Base of Microelement Additives -


Ferrous Fumarate


Reddish brown or reddish brown particles or powder, tasteless, with good fluidity.

Ferrous fumarate ≥ 92%;



As ≤ 0.0005%;

Pb ≤ 0.001%.


Mechanism of action

Participate in the synthesis of hemoglobin and myoglobin, promote the transport of oxygen; participate in the regulation of cell iron homeostasis.


Main effect

● Promote the digestion and absorption of iron by animals, and improve the biological utilization of iron;

● Promote the synthesis of hemoglobin and myoglobin, prevent and improve iron deficiency anemia;

● Effectively improve the ability to resist stress and disease;

● It has good compatibility with various nutrients and can effectively avoid the destruction of active substances such as vitamins.

● Make animal skin ruddy and bright, promote animal growth and development, and improve production performance.


Scope of application: Suitable for all kinds of animal feeds for livestock, poultry and aquatic animals.


Recommended dosage:

● Piglets: 300-600g/Ton, growing pigs: 250g/Ton

● Poultry: 150-250g/Ton, fish/shrimp: 200-300g/Ton

shrimp: 200-300g / Ton

Contact us
Tel: +86-771-5616003
No. 1 Sales Department: +86-771-5611937
No. 2 Sales Department (Export): +86-771-5610784
Fax: +86-771-5611927
E-mail: yiweifeed@aliyun.com yiyiweiwei@tom.com
Address: Weisi Rd,Liujing Industry Dist.,Nanning, Guangxi,China
Copyright(C)2021, Guangxi Nanning Junwei Feed Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Supported by ChemNet
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